Newport Dealeys
Newport Dealeys Shipmates of Cortron
Home Port, Naples Italy
Newport Dealeys 2021 Reunion
After being in port for a year, the Newport Dealeys finally got
underway again. We reunited on September 16th thru the 19th at the Washington Dulles Airport Hilton for our annual reunion.
The hospitality room was complete with our memorabilia displays and was well stocked with food and drinks thanks to the efforts
of Mike and Beverly Upchurch. This provided us with a friendly environment to welcome our shipmates and guests. After a light
pizza and salad buffet, reunion Chairman Marc Arsenault welcomed the attendees and disclosed several new shipboard artifacts
that became available to us in the past year. First was an original 3 in. shell casing from the USS Van Voorhis, donated by
Mike Upchurch and refurbished by Marc. Next was the shipbuilder's plaque and plate of the USS Dealey. They were sent to us
by a retired New York City police officer, Tony Cuccia. He stated that they were in the possession of a member of his
service organization, " Retired & Active Emergency Service Members Association (REMA), who was moving and with no
knowledge of their origin or significance, was going to scrap them. Recognizing them for what they were, Tony did a search
on the internet and found us via our web site. He stated that on behalf of the REAM membership, we proudly donate them to
the Newport Dealeys. They arrived in time for our annual reunion. The Newport Dealeys will be forever grateful for his
effort to find us and they will now become a principal item in our reunion artifacts display.
Our Friday tour took us
to George Washington's Mt. Vernon Home overlooking the Potomac River where we got a glimpse of life in the late 1700's. Our
tour guide Ann Marie was an excellent host guiding us through the many details of the estate. She arranged a short wreath
placing ceremony at the tomb of George Washington with Bob Matuszewski, Robert Harris, Jerry Skorch and Marc Arsenault as
participants. On our return to the hotel, we had our business meeting. After routine reports, we engaged in a discussion on
the future of the Newport Dealeys. Recognizing our previous years downward attendance trend due to aging shipmates,
ever increasing health issues and attrition, an open discussion followed concerning our future reunion format, site locations
and other shipmate preferences. We decided to poll our reunion active shipmates, create a profile to determine our future
course and make a conclusive decision sometime in early next year. We then enjoyed a buffet dinner and an evening of socializing.
Saturday was a day on your own. Many shipmates went to the nearby Aero-Space Museum which had many impressive displays such
as the space shuttle Discovery, an SR 71 and the Concord. We also had a close up view of a Dash Helicopter which some of our
Dealey ships had onboard in the mid 60s.
Prior to dinner, our Chaplain Jerry Skorch conducted the "Missing Man Ceremony"
referring to a table setting which consisted of a set of US Navy ward room dishes supplied by Charles Lawing. Later, we passed
out Newport Dealeys challenge coins to all attendees and Mike Upchurch read a piece titled "The Men Who Sailed Below"
a tribute to the Engineering Division Sailors, that worked below decks to provide the ship's power under stressful and difficult
Our guest speaker, Captain John Rodgaard, RD3 USS Courtney, provided us with a presentation on his latest
book titled "Tail Ships", an insight into the latter years of the USS Courtney, USS Hammerberg, USS Van Voorhis
and the USS Lester and their assignments under the command of Cortron 8, home ported in Naples Italy 1969-73. The book will include the early days of experiments and testing to prove the validity of employing transducers
on a long cable towed behind the ship to obtain a quiet under water environment for passive sonar under the directive of the
ITASS program. The success of these efforts eventually matured and developed into what is now standard equipment on many war
ships today. His presentation began with a description of basic sonar then went on to shipboard stories, shore life in Naples
and encounters with the Russian Navy during the cold war years in the Mediterranean Sea. Capt.Rodgaard anticipates that his
book will be available sometime in 2022.
Our Sunday morning memorial service was conducted by Jerry Skorch, Bob
Matuszewski and Charles Lawing. We honored 18 newly reported deceased shipmates including Larry Percival USS Cromwell and
Chief Richard Legg USS J K Taussig and USS Hartley. We will miss them dearly.
I would like to thank Mike and Beverly
Upchurch, Jerry Skorch, Bob Matuszewski and Charles Lawing for their assistance with our 22nd annual reunion under these
stressful times.
Marc Arsenault
Reunion Chairman
Hilton Dulles Airport Hotel

Joe Csizmadia checking in with Beverley Upchurch

Hospitality Room
Pledge of Allegiance in the Hospitality Room
Reunion Chairman Marc Arsenault Welcomes the Attendees
Mike and Beverley Upchurch with the refurbished three inch
USS Van Voorhis shell
Marc Arsenault introduces the recently donated USS Dealey Plaque
USS Dealey Ship Builders Plaque
USS Dealey Shipbuilders Plate
Jerry Skorch and Herb Mann Checking out the Newport RI Naval Base Photo
Tour host Ann Marie on the guide map
George Washington's Mount Vernon Home
Halfway Rest Bench
Wreath Ceremony at the Tomb of George Washington
Honor Guard
Jerry Skorch Missing Man Ceremony
Remembrance Table
2001 Reunion Chairman Marc Arsenault Opens the Evening
Mike Upchurch
" The Men Who Sailed Below "
Capt John Rodgaard Revealing the details of his new book "Tail Ships"
Tony and Judith Zeoli USS Lester
Marc and Kathy Arsenault USS Lester
Garnet and Doris Stump USS Joseph K Taussig
Bob and Ralphene Matuszewski USS Courtney
Captain John Rodgaard ( RD3) USS Courtney
Michael and Beverley Upchurch USS Van Voorhis
Ron and Shirley Trummel USS Cromwell
Charles and Juanita Lawing USS Lester
Harry and Karen Davis USS Van Voorhis
Herb Mann USS Joseph K Taussig
Joe and Evelyn Csizmadia USS Cromwell with Grandson Joey Giordane Tech Sgt. USAF
Bruce and Ruth Whitney USS Josepj K Taussig
Don Shields and Jeanne Baio USS Lester
Michael and Vera Lewis USS Dealey / USS Lester
Jerry and Sandy Skorch USS Joseph K Taussig
John and Catherine Pero USS John Willis
John Hagan USS Lester
Charles Dayhoff USS Lester
Robert and Dorothy Harris USS Cromwell
Arthur Petz abd Gloria Perrotta USS Hartley
Capyain Wyman and Susie Howard USS Lester (X0)
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