
USS Lester DE-1022
Built by Defoe Shipbuilding CO Bay City Michigan
14 June 1957 Decommissioned 14 December 1973


Commanding Officers
1957 1958 LCDR A.P.
Slaff 1958 1959 LCDR A.R. OlsenJr. 1959 1961 LCDR C.R. Tallent 1961 1963 LCDR
R. Stringfellow 1963 1964 LCDR W.H. DeMers II 1964 1965 LCDR F.S. Conlon 1965 1967 LCDR J.J.
Clarkin 1967 1970 LCDR W.T. Piotti Jr 1970 1972 LCDR S.H. Edwards 1972 1973 LCDR R.L. Freehill 1973 1973 LCDR
J.J. Hanley
list contains information on USS Lester shipmates that have reported in or were referred to us by others. To add
your name to our mailing list or request corrections, go to the sign up page. For additional address information
about a shipmate, please contact
Webmaster: Marc-a@charter.net
Last Update 18 July, 2023
Akers John HN 1970-71 McCallan AL Akins Louis ETN3 1966-67 Palatine IL. Anderson Garry SN 1969-70 Livonia
MI Arsenault Marc ET2 1961-62 Charlton MA Babingau Henry BT3 1958-60 (Deceased) Baggott Donald RD2 1960-61
New City NY Bailey Glenn BT3 1957-58 Canton OH Baisch Denny MM 1970 Canton MI Baron Danny HM3 1972-73 Hendersonville
TN Barrett Peter LTJG 1958-59 Bellevue WA Barth Robert SN 1959-60 Perryopolis PA Bartlett William GMSN 1969-71
Dallas GA Bassett Merlon OS3 1971-73 W.Brookfield MA Beckwith MS1 USNR (Ret) Duane CS2 1972-73 Vancouver WA Bell
Rodney SN 1961-62 walker WV Betz Paul TM2 1957 Ladson SC Biles George XO 1963-64 Pittsburgh PA Billman Brian
OS2 1971-73 Jonestown PA Binner Ben SO3 1959-61 Lake Mary FL Bivans Claude SF1 (Deceased 1974) Bivans Earl
EM3 1958-60 Belton MO Black John LT 1961-64 Jackson NJ Bonner Robert QM3 1971-72 Cincinnati OH Boutwell USN
(Ret) Carleton Ensign 1959-60 Tewksbury MA Bowes Edward RD3 1957-59 Deltona FL (Deceased 9 January 2016) Bracco
Gerry EM 1964 Freeport NY Brady Charles SN 1957-58 Red Bank NJ (Deceased 24 July 1958) Bragg RMCS USN (Ret)
Larry RM3 1962 Covington WA Brophy Michael BT3 1961-64 Stony Point NY Brosky Joseph SMSN 1962-63 Burlington KY Buchanan William EMC USN (Ret)1959-61 Mercer PA Buckley Clarence SOG2 1961-64 Springfield MO Bush Charles MM3
1972-73 (Decom) Virginia Beach VA Butler Horace BMC USN (Ret) Gulfport MS Brophy Michael BT2 1962-64 Stony Point
NY Byrd Bobby QMC USN (Ret) Plank Owner QM2 1957-58 Chesapeake VA Campbell Mike RD1 1967-70 St. Johns FL Cannella
Jerry SK3 1969-70 Hazlet NJ Carlino Angelo CSC Johnston RI Carmin Stan STG1 1971-72 Virginia Beach VA (Deceased
7 June 2009) Carney Cecil RD2 1957-60 Cave Spring GA Carvey Gerald Virginia Beach VA Cegelis BTC USN (Ret)
Richard BTC 1958-60 Annandale VA Cerwick Don RM2 (Plank Owner) 1957-59 IA Chastain Lynn QM1 1971-73 Cleveland TN Chavez Amarante YN2 1963-64 Albuquerque NM Christopher John MM3 1957-58 Bronx NY Cimmino August 1958-59 Deceased
5-17-08 Claycomb (Plank Owner) Joseph MM1 1957-60 Johnstown PA Cole OS1 USN(Ret) Lee OT1 1972-73 Laughlin NV Clothier Bill ATCM USN (Ret) HT1 1971-73 (Decomm) Winterville NC Condon Douglas FTG2 1972-74 Rockville Center NY Conlon Pat QM3 1959-61 Ansonville NC Conning Bruce QM1 1967-68 Hawley PA Connolly Thomas PNCS USN (Ret) SN 1972-Decom
Fredericksburg VA Cook James SN 1966-70 Port Henry NY Cook Clifford Deer River MN Cooke George LTJG 1970-71
Old Greenwich CT Couture Frank SFFN 1969-71 Clinton Township MI Crawford William LT (XO) 1961-63 Longmont CO Crawley Clarence E4 1969-71 Columbia TN Critoria Gordon BT3 1956-58 Deceased 4 Feb 1998 Crowley Terry FA 1963-65
Kissimmee FL Crystal Fred Bruce ETSN Norway ME (Deceased 25 May 2016) Cullen Jerry RMSN 1962-64 Brooksville FL Culpepper CDR USN(Ret) LT (OPS) 1956-58 (Plank Owner) Bradenton FL Cuppetelli Walt MM2 1964-68 Bluffton SC Curylo
James ET3 1960-62 Santa Clara CA Dailing Larry FTG3 1961-62 Flat Rock MI Daum Jim YN2 1960-62 Newman GA Davis
James EMFN 1959-63 Brockton MA Davis John SM1 1962-64 Star NC Dayhoff Charles (Skip) OS2 (Radar) 1971-73 Oldsmar
FL Deeds Tom 1972-73 Hornell NY DeGray (Plank Owner) Bruce TM3 1957-59 Amston CT Delling Robert 1958-60
Malden MA Del Popolo Don BTFN 1971-72 Mechanicsburg PA Demers William CO 1963-64 Pine Hurst NC (Address 1) Demers
William CO 1963-64 Alexandria NH (Address 2) Di Lauro Charles ETN2 1962 Milwaukee WI Diloreto Peter BT2 1958 East
Liverpool OH Dimonte EMCS USN (Ret) Robert EM1 1971-72 Pensacola FL Doty Michael MM2 1960-62 Kewanna IN Doyle
Chuck FTG3 1965-67 Gilbert AZ Doyle William 1965-66 Monroe NY Dube Henry (Hank) BT3 1958-60 Vernon CT Duchemin
Emile FN 1963 Sag Harbor NY Duell Holland LTJG 1968-70 Sheridan WY Dugan Larry DK3 1960-62Storm Lake IA Dunlap
Raymond MM2 1957-59 Uxbridge MA Dyer Greg OTA1 (Ret)1971-72 Leighton UK Earls David PC3 1968-70 Grover NC Edmunds Donald ENCSW USNR (Ret) EN3 1963-64 West Milton OH Edwards Steven LCDR 1970 Falls Church VA Elifritz Tom
BT1 USN (Ret) BT3 1971-73 Laura OH Emerick Tom RDSN 1960-61 Allentown PA Eppinger Albert EM2 Edison NJ (Deceased
27 Dec 2008) Erickson Richard ET1 1970-71 Carver MA Estrada CW04 USN(Ret) Ronald ET3 1966-67 Etter
Paul LTJG 1970-71 Rockville MD Exline BMC USN (Ret) Plank Owner Frank BMC 1957-58 (Deceased 15 Feb. 2014) Faulds
Bill TM3 1966-68 Murrels Inlet SC Farah Sy RD2 1967-68 Miami FL Feeney Daniel STGSN 1973 Quechee VT. Ferrando
Harold CPO USN (Ret) Brookville FL (Deceased 11 Nov. 2009) Fisher Henry SN (Plank Owner) 1957 Bethlehem PA Flanagan
Jack LTJG 1972-73 McLean VA Fogarty Ken SMSN 1962-64 Stratford CT (Deceased 4 Mar.2005) Ford Otis MM2 1957-60 Southboardman
MI Frazier William BT 1969 Bellefontaine OH Frovarp YNCS USN (Ret) Murland YN1 1965 Coleharbor ND Gajewski
Gregory SN 1963-65 Kenmore NY Goddeau William OS3 1972-73 Keene NH Gallager Patrick PN1 New Providence PA
(Deceased Dec 2004) Gallo Jerry PC3 1961 Broomfield CO Gates John Jr. RADM USN (Ret) 1958-59 Northkingstown
RI (Deceased26 Jan 2004) Giannotti Gino LTJG 1972-73 Austin TX Gibson Robert SK1 (Plank Owner) 1956-58 Norfolk
VA Giesemann Fredrick(Rick) SM2 1970-72 Texas City TX Goldberg Louis Jr BM3 1957-59 (Plank Owner) Prosper TX Graeff Robert RDM2 1959 Tremont PA Gregory Michael MM2 1972-73 Port St. Lucie FL Grofils CAPT USN (Ret) Eric 1964-66
Williamsburg VA Grauman Chuck RM3 1971-73 (Decomm) Deer River MN Haddock Jim Capt. USN(Ret) LTJG 1971-73 Bath ME Hagan John MCPO USN (Ret) ET 1971 Ashville NC Hampton James MMCM USN(Ret) MM2 1959-65 Boerne TX Hanley Capt.USN
(Ret) James J. CO (Decom) 1973 Chesapeake VA (Deceased 24 July 2018) Hanscom Ralph BT2 1957-59 Melrose MA ( Deceased
19 May 2007) Hansen Dick SN 1959-61 Auburndale FL Hardesty Jack IC3 1970-73 Baltimore MD Harlach Michael QM3
1961-63 Newfane NY Harper David BT2 1961-64 Chester PA Deceased Harrington BTCM USN (Ret) Plank Owner 1957-59 Deceased 17 Aug 1992 Harris John 1962-63 Melrose MA (Deceased
11 September 2015) Hartley USNR (Ret) Rick RD2 1070-72 Jacksonville FL Havens Richard CS1 1971-72 Bel Air MD Hayes Louis MM 1963-67 Frankfort IL Hayes Patrick SN 1961-63 Williamsville NY Heath Earl RD3 1960-61 Auburn NY Hebb Larry IC3 1958-60 Wolfeboro NH Hehn B.F. ENS 1961-63 Herring Bill BT2 1961-62 Killen AL Hewitt James
STG2 1966-69 Virginia Beach VA Hicks Raymond SN 1972-73 Wellington OH Hocking James BM3 1970 East Falmouth MA Hoffay Thomas PO3 1960-62 Troy NY Holsten John (Dick) RM2 1957-59 (Plank Owner) Clearwater FL Deceased 3-11-09 Homan
Charles ETN2 1971-73 Sherwood AR Honea Robert MM2 1970-71 Houston TX Hons John ETRSN 1961-64 Central Islip NY Hough David SH3 1964-66 Clairtown PA Howard Wyman CAPT. USN (Ret) LT XO 1972-74 Alexandria VA Hudson John ETN3
1966-68 Byron GA Hyde Ronald DSH2 1968-70 Williamson NY Isabelle Jean MM1 1963-69 Eunnelon FL Jackson
Richard RD3 1969-72 Littleton MA Jacoby Jay GMGSN 1960-64 Pottsville PA Jahnke Juluis FTG3 1969 Brandon FL Jeanson
Scott RM3 1971-73 (Decomm) White Bear Lake MN Jillard William (LCDR USNR Ret) LTJG 1960-61 Bellevue WA Johnk Ronald
SSSN 1963-65 Schuler NB Johnson Peter OTC (ITTAS Team) 1970 Guntersville AL Jones Harry OT 1971 Findlay OH Jones
Howard E6 1969 North Liberty IN Jones Ora SN 1966-68 Destin FL Jones Ted RD3 1957 Little Meadows PA Jones STC
USN (Ret) Mason STC 1967-69 Clover VA Kabachenski Michael EM2 1962 Orwell VT Kaiss Albert CDR Hagerstown MD Deceased
25 July 2018 Kitchen Samuel MM3 1958-60 Flourtown PA Kitchen Plank Owner Robert MM3 1957-59 Philadelphia PA (Deceased
31 July 2018) Kittle Steve RM2 1961-63 Torrington CT (Deceased 12 April 2019) Knouse Kurt MM2 1967-68 Elloree SC Kohn Robert SOG3 1961-63 Santa Barbara CA Krawczewicz Larry 1959 Middle Heights OH Kronk Courtney LTJG 1970-72
North Olmsted OH Lamm Richard 1956-67 Elkton MD Lander David BTFN 1958-59 Deceased 1995 Lander (Plank Owner)
Larry RM2 1957-59 St. Petersburg FL Landry Joe SN 1969-70 No Attleboro MA Lang Robert TMSN 1963-65 Maybrook NY Laraby Jim RM2 1970-73 Acworth Ga Launsford James MMC USN (Ret) MMC 1971-73 Rulo NE Lawing Charles RD3 1972-74
Kannapolis NC Lawrence John EM3 1970-71 Alexandria VA Lawson William GMSN 1963-66 Lincolnton NC (Deceased 1 Nov.
2014) Lawton Bruce SM3 1962-64 Concord CA Lawton Gerard (Gerry) CDR USN (Ret) RD3 1966-68 Saluda NC Lee
William SH3 1965-67 Richmond VA Lepak MM1 USN (Ret) Joe MM1 1973 Brandon FL Levins Leslie SM3 1957-59 Biloxi MS Lewis Michael (Louie) ET3 Canon City CO Lindquist (Tom) Charles 1969-73 Youngsville PA (Deceased 5 June 2011) Linebaugh
IC3 1971-74 Rochelle IL Lunsford CPO USN (Ret) James 1969-70 Rulo NE Deceased 5-28-04 Lyon Michael LTJG 1972-74
Houston TX Machamer Ivan SCRD USN (Ret) Plank Owner 1956-60 Norfolk VA Mack Joe SN 1957-59 Felton PA Magazu
BMCM USN (Ret) Louis BM2 1963-67 Big Pine Key FL Mahaffey Fredrick BT2 1958-60 Ottumwa IO (Deceased 1 Oct 1970) Maitland
James LTJG 1965-67 Millersville MD Manth Lawrence1956-57 Bismark ND (Deceased 10 Dec 2006) Marsh Larry SF Elmira
NY Deceased 5 June 2021 Martindale Billy RM3 1969 Randleman NC Martino Paul LTJG 1961-64 Plymouth MA Mayhew
Michael STG3 1966-68 Maurertown VA McKay Tim SDSN 1973 De-Rere WI McKenna Dick Ltjg 1963-65 San Pedro CA McKeon
David RD2 1959-61 Trappe PA McLarney Joseph Mesa AZ Mede Roger MM2 1959-62 Las Cruces NM Meek Donald CMD USN
(Ret) XO (Deceased 10 Oct 1979) Meller Robert 1960-63(Deceased 1993) Mikuta Thomas SH3 1971-73 Racine WI Miller
III Nick FTGFN 1966 Rootstown OH Montgomery Jerry MM3 1971-73 (Decomm) Athens
PA Moore Charles Sr.1967 Marietta GA (Deceased 11 June 2012) Moore
James LTJG (Plank Owner) 1957-58 Dagsboro DE Moran Paul MM 1973 Abilene TX Morrison William QM Deceased 9-19-13 Mottola Theorore GM1 1958 Roslindale MA (Deceased) Myers Kenneth RDSN 1964-65 Alto MI Myers Terry SM3 1968 Vero
Beach FL Murphy James CS3 1966-68 Biddeford ME Murphy Tom YN2 1971-73 Gilbertville PA Nagy Stephen FTSN 1961-63
Columbus OH Nicholson Edwin LTJG 1961-62 North Kingstown RI Nickerson Craig MMFN 1966-68 Wheeling WV Nitz Albert
SM 1959-61 Akron OH Nolan Robert RD3 1961-63 Cambridge NY Noonan George SH3 1968-70 Hebron CT Nowling Bill
SK3 1960-63 San Diego CA Novak Mark IC2 1969-71 Janesville MN Nugent Russell FTG3 1962-65 Buffalo NY O'Brien
Robert RD2 1970-72 Baldwinsville NY O'Donnell Thomas RD2 1958-62 Cazenovia NY Olsen, Jr. Capt. USN (Ret) Alfred
CO 1958-59 Falls Church VA (Deceased 31 October 2015) Ortlieb Arthur SK2 1956-59 Rural New York. Deceased 2002 Osburn
BTCM USN (Ret) Plankowner Richard BT2 1957-60 Brunswick GA (Deceased 23 April 2019) Payne Bruce EN3 1967-71 Deceased Peacock GM1 USN (Ret) Larry GM3 1969-72 Cochran GA (Deceased 12 Aug. 2019) Pearson Roland RD2 1966 Theodore AL Pierce
Fred GMC USN (Ret) GM2 (Plank Owner) 1957-61 Pierce William 1966-67 Jefferson County NY (Deceased 10 November
2015) Poisson Paul RM3 1970-73 Virginia Beach VA Poole Michael RD3 1970-72 Sully IA Portsmouth RI Pont
William MM3 1964-66 Norfolk VA Poitti Walter VADM (USN RET) LCDR CO 1967-70 Midland VA Deceased 11 March 2021 Powers William HT2 1970-72 Rockford IL Prevento NCCS USN (Ret) Andy CS3 1962 Altoona PA Priest Mark YN2 1971-73
Fairport NY (Deceased 18, July,2023) Provost GMGC (Decommission crew) Raymond 1971-73 Imperial Beach CA Rago Jim
RM3 1960-61 Lancaster PA Ramnytz Alex 1969-72 Akron OH Redfern Raymond EN3 1957 Enid OK Deceased Reed Orin
FNBT (Plank Owner) 1957 Roanoke VA Deceased 25 May 2012 Reicherter 1960 (Deceased) Reinhard Robert YN3 1964-65 Cumberland
MD Rempel Richard RM3 1971-74 Clinton Twp MI Richardson Robert FTG2 1964 Union City CA Ridgell Bobby Lexington
SC Roberts Capt USN (Ret) Plank Owner Ned LTJG 1957-59 San Diego CA Rock RMC USN (Ret) Ivan RMC 1959-62 West Carrollton
OH Rolich Paul LTJG 1972-74 Monroe OH Rollman Jim (Rollo) SOG2 1958-62 Cumming GA Deceased 6 Oct 08 Rossano
Joe SK3 1958-60 Melrose FL Rounds Ken MM2 1957-59 Henderson NV Roush EM1 USN(Ret) Plank Owner Herman EM 1956-59
Naples ME Rowden VADM USN (Ret) William LT XO 1959-61 Lancaster PA Deceased 15 October 2022 Rush HMC USN (Ret)
James MHC 1970-72 Lake Havasu City AZ Sabatino Nicholas 1971-72 Deceased 1987 Puerto Rico Sample Joseph ET3 1966-67
Red Lion PA Sanders (Tony) Thornton LTJG 1963-65 Charlottesville VA Sands Thomas CPO 1963 Philadelphia PA Schooley
D.C. 1958-59 Flint MI Schroeder BT1 USN (Ret) Willi BT1 1072-73 Inverness FL Schalek Fredrick SN 1959-61 Woodbine
NJ Schweitzer Nick CS3 1970-72 Punta Gorda FL Schwinn Ronald MM3 1969-71 Maryville IL Sciancalepore Michael
CDR (USN Ret) SK3 1972-73 Chesapeake VA Sehl Robert BTFN 1957-58 (Plank Owner) Nashville TN Sells Gary (Plank Owner)
1957-60 Bombay Beach CA Sensbach Howard EM3 1958-59 Maryville TN Shaski John Jr. Sault St marie MI Deceased 14 May,
2018 Shields Donald YN3 1971-73 (Decomm) Tinley Park IL Silva Anthony 1957-61 deceased 6-14 14 Silver Sanford
HTFA 1072 Eugene OR Spaulding Richard SK 1970 San Diego CA Spicer Dennis BMSN0 1971-73 Brookline NY Stark Richard
DC3 1958-62 Nokesville VA Stringfellow CMRD USN(Ret) Reid LCDR CO 1961-1963 Deceased 1996 Sulkowski John ET2 1958-60
N Providence RI (Deceased 1 May, 2019) Suto Andrew ICFN 1966-67 Midlothian VA Sweeny MSCS USN (Ret) Ray MS2 1964-66
Nolfolk VA Swindell Frank CS2 1962 Cape Coral FL Taylor Stephen SK3 1966-68 El Paso TX Tegano Frank 1960 Theetge George RMC USN (Ret) RM1 1963-65 Hornsby TN Thibault Brian RD3 1972-73 Houston TX Tobin William BT 1957-60
Venice FL Townsend Luther OT2 1972-73 (Decom)Clarence NY Tracey Ronald SK 1969 Cumberland RI Tuirok Rodolfo
CS3 1970-72 Cranston RI Tuttle BM2 USN (Ret) Robert BM2 1961-63 Worcester MA (Deceased 30 Dec. 2019) Urbati Francis
QM3 1957-59 Hingham MA Valek Mark SN 1972-73 (Decomm) Vallejos Roy PO2 1971-73 San Diego CA Van Wagenen Le
Grande MM3 1959 Parlin NJ Vicchio Frank E-6 1956-57 Baltimore MD Wakefield Don 1962-65 Fretz Creek AK Ward
Patrick Ward EMC USN (Ret) John EMC 1960-65 Whitman MA Washington Richard BM2 1970-72 Corfu NY Watkins David
SOG3 1969-70 Hillsboro TX Watkins James lll SOG3 1957-58 Wichita KS Watson Darryl FTG2 1962-63 Baldwin LI NY Wegrzynek Steven RD2 1959-62 North Port FL Wierling Albert SN 1962-64 Coral Springs FL Whitaker Daniel DC 1962
Hartford CT Whyte Jim OT3 1972-73 Red Bank NJ Williamson Stanley PO1 USN (Ret) 1969-72 Ambridge PA Willis James Chula Vista CA Winn (Plank Owner) Donald RD3 1957-58 Marshfield MA Winsett (Plank Owner) Billy 1957 Saint Louis MO Young Terrence (Terry) BT1 USNR(Ret) BT2 1967-69 North Kingston RI Zeoli Anthony STG2 1966-68 Woburn MA

Marc Arsenault with the USS Lester anchor American Legion Post 221 Avenue MD

USS Lester
Quarter Deck Puerto Belgrano, Argentina Unitas 3 1962

USS Lester Puerto Belgrano, Argentina
LCDR Reid Stringfellow CO 1961-63
following photos were taken by a Mr. Hetherington visiting the USS Lester with his family while she was anchored at
the Southend on the Sea and forwarded to us by his son Guy Hetherington (The little boy in the pictures)
Photos of the USS Lester operating in the Mediterranean Sea By Russian
Sailor Eugene Ivkin St. Petersburg 1972
USS Lester operating the TASS System from Russian Ship Eugene
Ivkin St. Petersburg, Russia
Lester Crew Unitas 3 1962
USS Lester DeFoe Shipyard Bay City MI 1956
USS Lester Shipyard Crew gathering in CIC Jones, Sims, Bennet
USS Lester Crew Defoe Shipyard 1956
Launched 5 January, 1956 Defoe Ship
Building Co
Bay City MI.
Now that was a ride
Itass Gear on the fan tail Med 1971
Bob and Sam Kitchen
Marc Arsenault ET2 with the SPS5 Radar 1962

Taking on Fuel 1962
 Sy Farah RD3 1967
 The shark is coming in
The shark is onboard Lalonde ET3 1962
Polywogs 1962
USS Piduca 1962
Panama Canal 1962
King Neptune's Royal Court
Arsenault ET2 Straits of Magellan SA 1962
Magen's Bay Beach St Thomas VI 1961Arsenault Gallo and ??
Man The Torpedos
Walsh RMSN Straits of Magellan1962
Curylo ET3 in the ET shop
Floating Dry Dock
Quonsit Point RI 1962
Boston Navy Yard 1961
Shipmate Interviews 5-11-2009 Summary of Marc Arsenault's phone interview with Ivan
Machamer RD1 USS Lester RD1 1956-59
Ivan was at the Defoe shipyards
in Bay City MI just after she was launched (sideways) into the Lake Huron waters. He arrived in Aug of 56 and stayed until
spring of 57. Also said that there were about 25 enlisted at Defoe shipyard. LCDR Slaff was there also. The Lester screw and rudder were removed and placed on
the fantail for transit down the Chicago and Illinois Rivers to the Mississippi and on to Treasure Island
facility in New Orleans. Joe Catone RM1 road it down. Ivan went to Treasure Island and after a six week wait for the Lester
to arrive, he went back aboard for further outfitting and the trip to Charleston SC. The Courtney left first in the fall of 56 and made the same trip while the Lester, being somewhat behind in the
construction had to stay iced in until the Spring of 1957. Side Note When Joe Catone road the Lester down to Treasure Island. He bunked in the Captain's quarters just below the
bridge. LCDR Slaff was not happy about it.
E. Gibson SK1 - PLANKOWNER - USS LESTER DE-1022 1956 - 1958
Bob Gibson was CAPTURED BY RAUL CASTRO (Fidel's
upcoming brother) and his hoods! To "look good" to his brother, Raul's gang of rag-tag soldiers captured an entire
busload of sailors, including shore patrolmen, in Guantanamo City just outside the North East Gate of The U.S. Naval Base
and held in barns for 28 days. They were periodically transferred to a total of 7 barns as Bob Gibson counted. The American
Counsel negotiated their release in 1958. Very interesting story indeed. I'm certain there is more for table discussion in
Nashville. Bob Gibson states that he is also a Plank Owner of the USS FORRESTAL.
Anthony Turek QMSN 1957-58 was also on
the captured bus.