Bob Kitchen with son Bob Jr. USS Lester
Joe Csizmadia USS Cromwell making a point
Marc and Kathy Arsenault with Mrs. Willis
Mrs. Willis, Areta Childs and Bob Kitchen
Gettysburg National Battle Field
Marc Arsenault, Skip Urbati and Harry Davis
Bill McColl with Bill and Marcia Price
Marc Arsenault and Capt. Maury Werth
Warren and Mary Long USS Joseph K Taussig
Marc Arsenault with the Newport
Dealeys Memorial Bell
Marc Arsenault and Adm. Harry Fiske USS Hartley
James and Mary Lou woods USS Hartley
Reunion Coordinators Larry and Brenda Eckard Military Locators and Reunion Services
Admiral Roy Hoffmann with Admiral Harry and
Nancy Fiske
Capt. Marshall Ward USS Joseph K Taussig and
Bruce Algar USS Hartley
Jim and Kay Moore USS Van Voorhis
Earl and Ruth Haslop USS Courtney
Bob and Barbara Uhl USS Hartley
Charlie and Norma Holszchuh USS Hartley
Bob Buchanan USS Van Voorhis with Steve Kittle USS Lester
Mrs. Willis with Areta Childs USS John Willis
Mrs. Willis Thanking everyone for
the birthday cake.
Admiral Harry and Nancy Fiske USS Harthey
/ USS Dealey
Marc and Kathy Arsenault with Capt. Maury Werth
Charlie Holszchuh, Jules Nagy USS Hartley with David Harper USS Lester
Jack and Frances Higgins USS Hartley
Kathy Arsenault with Oral Amundson USS Dealey
Dean and Kathy Hoover USS Hartley / USS Van
Gary and Deidre Metzger USS Hartley
Harry Davis, Ken Walker and Benedetto Minichino USS Van Voorhis
Jim and Sandy Evans USS Dealey
Greg and Susan Prentiss USS Van Voorhis
Jules Nagy and Sandy Skorch Rocking it
Jules and Sandy
Sunday Morning Memorial Service Marc Arsenault