
Courtney DE-1021
Built by Defoe Shipbuilding CO Bay City Michigan
Commissioned 24 September 1956 Decommissioned
14 December 1973

of Capt. Henry Stanfield

of Jason Van Stone
Commanding Officers
1956 1958 LCDR C.W.
Coe 1958 1959 LCDR L.E. Zeni 1959 1961 LCDR J.D. Exum 1961 1962 LCDR H.l. Stanfield 1962 1964 LCDR
T.H. Nugent Jr. 1964 1965 LCDR T.R. Kinnebrew 1965 1967 LCDR F.C. Johnston 1967 1968 LCDR
J.L. Townley 1968 1969 LCDR A.J. Herberger 1969 1970 LCDR B.C. Dean 1970 1972 LCDR R.T. Reimann 1972 1973 LCDR
A.H. Spruell Jr. 1973 1973 LCDR W.E. Jordan Jr.
This list contains information on USS Courtney shipmates that have reported in or were referred
to us by others. To add your name to our mailing list or request corrections, go to the sign up page. For additional
address information about a shipmate, please contact
Webmaster: Marc-a@charter.net
Last Update
18 December, 2023 Adams Roger
Deceased 18 April 2011 Honesdale PA Albright William MM3 1958-59 Clyde OH Allen Fedrick LT 1957-59 Deceased 10-3-12 Allen FCCM USN (Ret) Ronald FCCM 1958-60 Virginia Beach VA Anderson Gary OT1 USN (Ret) 1970 Lodi CA Anderson Kenneth
Lon RM3 1970-72 Midland MI Arnold Anthony LTLG 1970-73 Havana FL Atkins MSC USN (Ret) Ed MSC 1958-60 (Deceased) Ayer Robert PNC USN (Ret) PN3 1961 Philadelphia PA Barbee Randy BT3 1971-72 Holly Springs NC Barschow William
LTJG 1961-62 (Deceased 5 April 1965 Vietnam) Beck Patrick FT3 1969-72 Oaklawn IL Becker QMC USN (Ret) William QMC
1956-57 Mt. Pleasant SC Beuck Gerald FTG2 1967-68 Willoughby OH Bernard Paul EM3 1965-67 Springfield MA Bever
Tim MM3 1972-73 Saginaw MI Bisner Art (Biz) MM 1972 Virginia Beach VA Blalock Thomas RD2 1956-60 North Charleston
SC Blizzard David ST 1965 Southport NC Blount Larry SOG2 1961-62 Jonesville MI (Deceased ) Boufford Capt.
USN (ret) F. W. LTJG 1961-64 St. Leonard MD Boyles Dan MR3 1971-73 Fortuna CA Bradway MMCM USN (Ret) Bruce MM# 1964-67
Summerville SC Breen Wilson MM3 1959-60 Alton NH Brewer Dennis BTC(SW)USN RET BT3 1972-73 (Decomm) Beaverton MI Brock Charles MM1 1967-68 (Deceased) Brock Lynn RMC USN(Ret) RM3 1965-66 Hutchinson KS Brown Barry Miami FL Buchanan Lowell MMCM (SW) USN RET MM3 Jacksonville FL Bullens Ronald DC1 1960-61 Denton TX Decesad 18 Feb 2011 Corinth
TX Butler Eugene ICC Plank Owner 1956-59 Syracuse NY Deceased 5-21-05 Byrnes Ronald CS1 1969-71 Newton MA Cabral
Robert SN 1956-59 Whitman MA Caffrey John 1958-59 Petersburg VA Deceased 29 Dec. 2012 Canavan John QM2 (Plank Owner)
1956-57 Southold NY Cane CDR USN (Ret) Plank Owner Jack LTJG 1956-58 Naples FL Carangelo Anthony QM2 1959 Durham
CT Carll Robert ETN3 1963-66 Alfred ME Cash Afton EMCM USN (Ret) EM2 1956-58 (Plank Owner) North Platte NE Citino
YN1 USN (Ret) Tony SN 1971-73 Philadelphia PA Clark Richard OSC USN (Ret) Clingman John ETR2 1970-72 Whiteland IN Colins (Butch) Leonard BT3 1971-73(Decom) Latrobe PA Collins Peter LTJG 1960-62 South Burlington VT Colucci Richard
PC3 1966-68 Pennsauken NJ Cope Samual 1963-66 Jacksonville FL Copenhaver USN(Ret) Jack 1960-61 Taipei Taiwan Corbett MMCS USN (Ret) Martin MM2 1964-65 Mustoe VA Cordner Robert STG2 1960-64 Timberville VA Corbran Robert
EN3 1964-66 New Port Richey FL Deceased 23 November 2008 Costello John MM3 1969-71 Cleveland OH Cote RMCS
USN (Ret) RM1 1964-65 Ladson SC Cramer John RD2 1965-68 Maynard MA Crider SKCS USN (Ret) Dennis SKCS 1969-72 Mt.
Vernon WA Cullen Robert BM2 1966-67 Collinsville IL Czarkowski Leo SM1 1959-61 Milford PA Daitz Lionel 1970
Mineola NY Dallner Mark STG1 1970-73 Milwaukee WI D'Arcy Herb LT 1968-70 N. Providence MA Davis SMC USN (Ret)
Roy SMC 1971-73 Arvada CO Dice David SN 1962-64 Fruitland FL Doherty Dennis Cmd USNR (Ret) Deceased 9 April 2008
Fairfield Glade TN Donahue Lou SN 1958-58 Jacksonville Beach FL Donovan Robert BT3 1966-68 Ridgefield CT Driskill
James GM3 1964-66 Chicago IL Dunaway MM1 USN (Ret) Lou SN 1958-59 N. Jacksonville Beach FL Dunderman HMC USN (Ret)
Richard HMC 1963-66 Antwerp OH Dutcher Ronald 1962-63 Deceased 16 May 2008 Clarendon PA Dutra Tom BT3 1972 Mattapoisett
MA Eckert David BM3 1966-70 Grant FL Edler Ralf SK1 1966-67 Tucson AZ Evans Jim STG3 1070-71 Hay Springs NE Epps Robert RM3 1959 Pennsville NJ Exum John Capt USN (Ret) CO 1959-61 Deceased 15 Apr.2009
Jonathan SA 1969 Lexington SC Fay George MM3 1957-59 Schenectady NY Fertal George STG2 1964-66 Westhampton NY Florio John BT3 1968-69 Tiverton RI Fox Gregory SN 1971-73 Juneau AK Ford Preston LT 1962-66 Greenwood LA Framke
Werner MM3 1958-60 Livonia MI French Robert Hagerstown MD (Deceased 27 October 2015) Friedlander William SN 1963
Seekonk MA Fry Franklin Bamberg SC Gatford Malcom TM2 1965 Milwaukee WY Geib Terry 1961-64 Leesville SC Gendreau Richard BMSN 1961-62 Southbridge MA (Deceased 13 February, 2015) Gibson Troy RD 1967 Wiley TX Glavis
George BT 1962 Ocean City NJ Goldbach Tim 1968 Reading PA Golden Martin QM3 1962-63 Huntington Beach CA Gonsalves
Dave STG2 1963-66 Hayward CA Gonzalez Rafael SN 1966-68 Penuelas PR Good Randall SN 1972-73 Pompano Beach
FL Goodwin Howard RM3 1961-63 Washington NC Gowan Gary EM2 1969-71 Monroe LA Graves OSCM USN (Ret) Ronald OSCM
1971-73 Ipswich MA Green EN1 USN (Ret) James EN3 1960 Goose Creek SC Greene YNC USN (Ret) Plank Owner Loren YN1
1956-59 Metropolis IL Groves Ronald BT2 1959-62 Madera CA Guyette Robert MM3 1966 Deceased Hager Clarence
FN 1958-60 Smithmill PA Hagerman Robert LTJG 1957-59 Virginia Beach VA Hale MMCM USN (Ret) Dennis 1960-64 Whitley
City KY Halford Bob Beaver Creek OR Deceased 2005 Hamrick III, Rusty LTJG 1969-72 Winterville NC Hancock MACS
USN (Ret) James Jr SK1 1964-65 Orlando FL Hankins Irvin III LT 1970-72 Charlotte NC Hardison Richard QMSN 1973 (Decom)
Waynesville NC Harmon Richard FN 1957-61 Lester PA Hart (Plank Owner) C.H. (Red) EN1 1956-60 Ft. Pierce FL Haskell
LCDR USNR (Ret) Chris JO3 1966-68 Canann NH Haslop OSC USN (Ret) Earl 1963-65 New Port Richey FL Hagen Clarence
FN 1958-60 Smithmill PA Hayes BMC USN (Ret) John BMC 1957-60 Buzzards Bay MA Hearsey Richard SM 1957 Beach- Llong
Island NY Heenan Denny LT XO 1959-61 The Villages FL Herberger Albert ADM USN (Ret) CO 1968-69 Holt Bill MM
1956-59 (Plank Owner)Gainsville FL Horner Scott BT2 1970-73 Lakeville IN Houlihan Jack MM3 1960-63 Marshfield MA Houston Larry SOG3/STG3 1961-65 Bedford IN Huffman Larry BM2 1966-70 Altoona IL Hughes Stanley LTJG 1964-65 Colorado
Springs CO Hunt James LTJG 1961-62 Southport ME Hunt Norman FMSN 1957-60 Greenfield MA Hurst Jon RM3 1969-70
Lititz PA Husch Rich RM3 1964-67 Sturgeon Bay WI Impalli Joseph E3 1961-63 Brick NJ Ingersoll Max EMSN 1963-65
Portage MI John Canavan QM2 1956-58 (Plank Owner) Stewart FL Johnson Steve Cape Giradeau MO Johnson Wendell
MM2 1968-70 Derby NY Johnson DK1 USN (Ret) Charles DK2 1972-74 Taylorsville NC Johnson John (Jack) RM2 1964-66 Anchorage
AK Jones Jerry Botkins OH (Deceased 4 April 2015) Jones STC USN (Ret) Mason STC 1965-67 Clover VA Jordan Wesley
Jr. RADM USN(Ret) LCDR CO (Decomm)1973 Alexandria VA Jorgensen Bill Eng. Off. 1967-69 Oviedo FL Kabachenski Michael
EM2 1958-59 Orwell VT Kasten Bill BK1 1969-72 Bronx NY Kelly Charles (Plank Owner) 1956-58 Winter Springs FL Kichline Glenn ETR3 1966-67 Danielsville PA Kincher Harry SR CPO (Deceased 29 December 2012) Kingman Fred 1956-62
Deceased 11 Sept 2006 Norton KS Klug Duane EM1 1962-64 Norfolk NE Knoll Mike SN 1967 New Cumberland PA Konco
Kevin BT3 1971-73 Pine Bush NY Koon James EWC (SW USN (Ret) ETR2 1969-70 Morattico VA Lacey Nick SH 1971 Bham AL Laine Ross BT2 1959-61 Livingston TX Lamb Kenneth 1957-59 Deceased 4-20-14 Lang MMCM USN (Ret) Alvin MM West Jacksonville
FL Lane Dennis 1969-71 Glenshaw PA Lauder HMC USN (Ret) Keith HM1 1966-67 Middletown RI Leary Bill SN 1961-64
Cleburne TX Lecroy CW04 USN (Ret) Alton CSC 1962-63 Portsmouth RI Leswing Chuck EMFN 1962-65 Deceased 12-11-04 Lewis GMCS USN (Ret) Albert GMC 1959-60 Franklin MA Libersat Nolan MM2 1956-58 Abbeville LA Livingston John SF
1964-67 Burlington NJ Loftin Ralph RD2 1966-68 Bloomington IL Lucas Dennis QM3 1966-68 Dresden OH Maccagnano
Anthony SN 1962-64 Noblesville IN Magistro Steve RM 1971 Topeka KS Malatesta Robert SK2 1957-58 West Chatham MA Markey Steve BT3 1965-68 Kane PA Marlin MCPO USN(Ret) Shell back B N Richard PN2 1958-60 Mt. Olive AL Martello
Brian SN 1967-68 Pepperell MA Martin Gerry (Skip) LTJG 1961-62 (Deceased Nov.18, 2019) Matherene John LTJG
1958-60 Valparaiso FL Matuszewski Robert CPO 1966-68 Putnam Valley NY McCown Roy SFP2 1971-73 Chesapeake OH McKenna
Gerard LTJG 1957 Deceased 28 Nov. 2011 McKenna LT USN(Ret) Michael HM1 1970-73 Port Orange FL McKenzie Lawrence
MM2 1963-65 Flatwoods KY McKinney Wayne RD3 1958-62 Boca Raton FL McNeil Bill DC3 1967-69 Francestown NH Meller
Robert 1963-64 (Deceased 1993) Melton QMC (Deceased) Melton-Dollar Sam RM3 (Deceased) Meyers Terry RMSN 1962-64
Cypress CA Midget GMC (Deceased) Miller EMCS USN (Ret) Roland EMCS 1969-71 indian Land SC Mitchell Theodore
SN 1957-59 Panama City Beach FL Moller Allen MM2 1961-63 Farmington MN Montague Raymond MM1 1959-61 Chelsea MA Morgan Brad RD3 1958-60 North Canton OH Morgan SH1 (Deceased) Morton Thomas STG3 1966-68 Athens AL Moser
Michael HT2 1970-72 Arnold MO Deceased 14 Dec 08 Mueller (Plank Owner) Jim GM3 1956-58 Kendallville IN (Deceased) Munnikhuysen Henry LT 1956-57 Virginia Beach VA Munson Bruce ETR3 1965-67 Port Chester NY Murphy George SK3 1958-59
Olney MD Murphy Robert BMC 1961-63 Deceased 1976 Myers William (RADM) 1958-59 Annandale VA Deceased 10-25-02 Nelson John FN 1959-61 Minneapolis MN Nelson Jim AG 1957 New York NY Neokleous Hercules SN 1957-59 Oviedo FL Nields Kirk SN 1967-68 Christiana PA Nigro Charles (Chuck) RM2 1956-58 Orchard Park NY Nobles Larry IC3 1963-64
Gowanda NY Ogilvie David SOG2 1962-65 Dover NH Oldt Charles BT3 1967-68 Williamsport PA Oliver William 1972-74
Biloxi MS Olson Gary MM2 1966-69 Litchfield MN Osborne Raymond EM3 1963-66 Philadelphia PA Overmyer Kent 1969-71
South Bend IN Quintina Joseph SN 1965-67 Framingham MA Parker BMC USN (Ret) Clarence BM1 1960-63 Greensboro NC Patrizi Leonard EN3 1961-62 Delanco NJ Pattison Eugene SM1 USN (Ret) 1961 Deceased 26 Mar 1997 Portsmouth RI Peterson
Robert BT2 1960-62 Deceased 14 march 2003 Avon SD Pratt NCC USN (Ret) David CS3 1965-66 Emmett ID Presley ( Plank
Owner / Shellback) Jerry SM1 1956-57 Olathe KS Pushard Dale RD3 1969-72 Harrisburg NC Raminez Jose BMC USN (Ret)
BM3 1954-60 Alantic Beach FL Rathel Donald Jr. SK3 1972-73 Middleburg PA Rawdon Mark MM2 1973 Lewis Center OH Reddy John BT2 1969-70 Virginia Beach VA Reimann Robert T. RADM USN (Ret) CO 1970-72 Great Falls VA Deceased 6-29-14 Rhodes Ed YN3 1958-59 Barton MD Rice John Morris EM3 Springfield VA Deceased 1 Sept 2007 Rich BM! USN (Ret) Kenneth
BM3 1956-58 Middletown RI Riggott Bruce ETR2 1967-70 Feeding Hills MA Rizzo Andrew SK3 1960-62 Jackson NJ Roberts
Jim LTJG 1966-69 South Bend IN Rodgaard Capt USNR John RD3 1971-73 Melbourne FL Rodgers Jimmy SOG3 Aberdeen MS Rohrick James RM1 1960-65 Des Moines IA Rooney Ralph OTCS (Ret) 1970-72 Milford MA (Deceased 30 Dec 2007) Ross
John RDSN 1965-66 Appleton WI Rust Richard 1964-72 Richton MS Deceased 20 January 2022 Sampson MMCS USN (Ret) Phil
MM3 1961-62 Portsmouth RI Sanborn CAPT USN (Ret) James ENS 1959-60 Berwyn PA Sarver Richard FM 1966-67 Tidioute
PA Schall Charles ET1 1971 Cheshire CT Schlegel Edward BM3 1961-63 Burke VA Schlosser Larry GM2 1965-69 Logansport
IN Schluter Tioka BT3 1966 Las Cruces NM Schmidt Laurence (Larry) RD2 1966-68 Tacoma WA Schnare BTC USN (Ret)
Henry BT1 1967-1968 Hannacroix NY (Deceased 24 April 2015) Schneider Roger Capt.USN (Ret) LTJG 1971-74 Whitefish Bay
WI Schneider Robert YN1 1970-73 Baltimore MD Schreiber Joeseph MM 1969-70 Edwardsville IL Schoos Steven MS1
1967-68 Grapeview WA Schuller David Capt.USNR(Ret) LTJG 1965-67 Portsmouth RI Schulmeister Joseph ETN3 1973 Cranberry
TWP PA Scruggs ET1 USN (Ret) Woody BT3 1961-65 Ozark IL Shade Donald MM1 1962-63 Jamestown NY Shea David RD3
1961-62 Chipley FL Sheehan William RM2 1964-68 Caledonia NY Shenkin Gerald PN 1958-59 Milford CT Shope Terry
CS3 1960-61 New Albany IN Silverthorn David OS3 1971-73 Greensboro NC Simon David BT2 1962-66 Tustumcumbia
AL Simpson Jack RM1 1970-72 Seneca SC Sims Ernest SN 1965-67 Pittsburgh PA Singler LCDR USN (Ret) James LTJG
1963-65 Gaithersburg MD Sisung Richard LTJG 1964-66 Parker CO Small John MM3 1965-67 Lahaska PA Smeland Bruce
YN3 1969-71 Newport News VA Smith Dan SCPO USN (Ret) RD3 1963-64 Chattanooga TN Smith Howard Moorstown NJ (Deceased
9 April 2015) Smith John MM3 1966-69 Kimball MN Smith Norman (Plank Owner) CS3 Quemado TX Smuda CMD USN (Ret)
James XO 1972-72 Albuquerque NM Snyder Larry TE/RM1 1956-58 (Plank Owner) Wilmington DE Spann Paul RM3 1968
Las Vegas NV Spoonamore SMC USN (Ret) Paul SM3 1958-60 Brusnwick GA Spoonamore STGCS USN(Ret) Ebbie STG2 1959-61
Virginia Beach VA Stanfield Capt USN(Ret) Henry LCDR 1961-62 Port St. Lucie FL (Deceased) St. Germain Joel QM 1963
Michigan City MIN Stockwell Richard EM2 1958-62 Natick MA Story Dave SM3 1966-68 Oklahoma City OK Stouffer
James SO3 1971-73 (Deceased 23 May 2011) Mahonet GA Sylvestro Salvatore (Sal) 1970-72 Deceased 3-10-12 Synowiez
Edward SH3 1960-62 Raleigh NC Szep Joseph EMFN 1969-73 Bethlehem PA Tabing CDR USN (Ret) Mark LTJG Taylor Cecil
CWO2 US (Ret) SNGM 1960-62 Stuart FL Taylor Robert 1058-61 Manchester CT Techman Robert IC2 (Plank Owner) 1956-59
Wellington FL Thomas USN (Ret) James ET1 1957-59 Virginia Beach VA Thornton MMC USN (Ret) Roy MMC 1956-59 Strongsville
OH Thurber Robert SN 1963-65 Foster RI Tourigny LT USN (Ret) CPO 1960-62 Deceased 1979 Townley CAPT USN (Ret)
John LCDR 1966-68 Chagrin Falls OH Treasure Hayes RD2 1960-63 Greensburg PA Trout Robert EM3 1957-61 Charlotte NC Ulicni TMC USN (Ret) John TM1 1956-57 West Paterson NJ Valerioti William USNR IC3 1961-63 Fairview TX Van Mier
Ray EM2 1970-71 El Cajon CA Van Stone Ray YN3 1969-71 Waterbury CT Venanzi James (Ace) RM3 1962-65 Ormond Beach
FL Voag David 1968 Clifton NJ (Deceased) Voeste Robert EM3 1962-65 Lewisburg PA Vokoun Stephen SN 1961-65 Bonita
Springs FL Wackman John DK2 1964-66 Germantown WI Wade Garth ET3 1958 Horseheads NY Walgreen Joe SN 1961-63
Quincy MA Walker Charles RM3 1960-61 Derry NH Walker John ET2 1958-60 Tequesta FL Wall John 1969-70 Halifax
MA Ward LTJG USNR(Ret)Gary ENS 1962-64 New Canaan CT Ward John QMSN 1970-72 Chesapeake VA Watson CAPT USN (Ret)
Dave 1966-67 Baldwinsville NY Weed Ray GMG2 1966-68 Essex Junction VT White David RD3 1956-59 Preoria IL Weimeer
James CS2 1969 Columbus OH Wetzel Donald EN3 1967-68 Miffinburg PA Wheeler MA1 USNR (Ret) Forrest MM3 1966-70 Winter
Springs FL Whetstone OTAC(AW) (Ret) Richard OT2 1971-73 Virginia Beach VA Whiddon William (Bill) SK2 1967-70 Fairfield
IL White David PNCS USN (Ret) PN3 1960-61 Mountain View CA White Marc RM2 1956-57 Peoria IL Whitt Jack RM3
1958-59 Lake Side CA Wiggins Charles FT2 1958-59 Deceased 10 Apr 1963 (USS Thresher ) Wilcox Daniel BTSN 1972-73
Van Buren AR Willi LT USN (Ret) Carl MM2 1970-71 Newport RI Williams Oliver SN 1972-74 Biloxi MS Williams BMC
USN (Ret) Gary BM 1962-64 Baldwinsville NY Wise John MM2 1971-73 Orem UT Witt Robert RM2 1962-65 Hamberg NY Wohlfarth
Harry SN 1959-61 Lionsville PA Deceased 4-30-11 Wolf Gregory YN3 1962-64 Ocala FL Wolfendale Francis 1960-62 Dracut
MA Woods USMC (Ret) Frank RM2 1956-63 Vass NC Wroolie Clarence MM2 1970-71 Brainerd MN Wysokowski Donald
SH3 1961-63 Mifflintown PA Yaggie Fred GMGC Scranton PA Deceased 5 Aug 2014 Yanke Marv FT2 ( Plank
Owner)1956-59 Waner Robbins GA (Deceased 27 Feb 2012) Yost USN (Ret) Philip ETC 1956 Brookville PA Young EOC USN
(Ret) Bobby MM3 1956-58 Weaverville NC Zay Chet SN 1967-68 Linden PA Zeleznik Donald SM2 1966-69 Portland OR Zeni Levio Capt USN (Ret) Deceased 5-13-14
LCDR T.H. Nugent CO 1962-64
LCDR John Townley CO 1966-68

Radio Shack
USS Courtney 1963


David Dice Radio Shack 1963
David Dice, Steve Vokoun and Roy Ellsberry Rio de Janeiro 1963 Unitas IV Cruise
Shellback Certificate David Dice USS
Courtney 1963
Ship's Barber
Andy and Steve
Blue Nose Certificate John Wackman USS
Courtney 1965
Model of the USS Courtney built by David
Radio Gang 1962
Radio Gang 1962
USS Courtney Med 1967 along side USS Sylvania AFS-2 Courtesy of
Jack McTeague USS Brumby DE 1044
Guantanamo Bay Cuba 1961 Anderson MM, Moller MM,Constantio YN, Woodell
MM Hale MM, Olson MM, Dixson SF, Palacek BT
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 1962 Heard MM, Houlahan MM, Moller MM
McClouch MMC 1962 Great Chief to work for Allen Moller
19 May 2022 The
City of Treasure Island FL is moving to a new location 10451 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island FL 33706. The anchor of
the USS Courtney had resided in location of honor in front of the building by the flag pole. It will be placed in storage
while it's new home is being prepped.,. then it will be relocated by the flag pole, on the west side of the building at the
new location. It is scheduled to be back on display by mid-July.